London Ontario Real Estate Painters

Great London Ontario Real Estate PAINTers 

As a homeowner hiring painters can be daunting here some of the things to know. If you are to renovate your home instead of moving , or for a re-sale, or maybe to spicy things up and to bring new life with new colour theme.

When hiring the right painter you wont need to worry or be stressed out with your painters. Good painters prep their work area making sure everything is ready and secure no hitting over lamps, sprinkles on the dinning room table or spills on the carpeting.

Relax now as professionals we will take care of things and make it look great

1. Mastering the art of Home Painting

To be good at anything it takes time, dedication and desire this is what we call skill, but good painters it is more an art a mastery of skill. No your kitchen is not going to be a fresco or a famous masterpiece. Mastery of skill makes the difference of quality, clean lines with no runs.

When it comes to real estate London Ontario re-painting it takes more than skill and knowledge you want to get painters that have a brain in thier head.  as well as no criminal records, or drug habits.

That the last thing you want is some one stocking your house for your valuables or eyeing your kids. As so many painting companies do not care who they hire, the work needs to get done.

That is why we are different.

2. Good Prep = good Painting 

Prep work is the deciding factor if the painting is going to look good or bad the time to prep is equal to each coat of paint applied.

So many new painters  skip prep or do not do it properly and that is where the painting looks low quality. A big mistake is they see skilled master painters doing their work so much faster than they can and think they have to do it in that time as well.

3. Are You ready to paint Your Home

For Home Painters London we allow you to move your furniture to save up to 75% off of other painters.   Removing the switch plates is not a must as are painters can paint around them if you want them removed please do so before we arrive.  So with newly purchased real estate London Ontario it makes it easier to paint before furniture moves in.

4. Do A walk through when job is done

When all finished before enumeration or payment make a final walk through to make sure it is up to your liking. Do not worry though if you do see anything later let us know we will arrange for a time in the evening to come take care of any concerns. We are only human and no person is perfect.

6. Compare the Quotes not estimates

The biggest mistake people make is that they compare estimate to quotes an estimate is not a finale price where a quote is.

At Home Painters London we do not use slick pushy or scare tatics to get you to go with us. Even better we do not get you to sign a contract we use the honour system and your word that it is what we agreed on. Most times we ask for the details to be text or emailed so this becomes your contract if you want to call it one.

We will not over charge you with material cost and make a profit in the difference from retail we give you our complete discount and ask you to pick up the paint.

7. No Need to ask for the discount

If you really want to save money then we got you covered with great painting, trustworthy painters all at a great price and to top it off we throw in our discount on the paint at most paint store.


We recommend that you go get other quotes and compare how much you are going to save.


We also want to remind you that so many painting companies hire professional sales men to have you sign that contract. Which you will never see them painting your home. As owner operators we are from being to end and everything after.