Kilworth Ontario Painting

Kilworth Painters

Home Painters London painting as low as $65/ room, 2 coats

Affordable Kilworth house painting is as low as $65/ room for walls.  That is 65 cents per square foot. No longer will Kilworth residents have to pay high prices. Professional Home Painting in Kilworth has arrived at affordable rates. You supply paint.  We supply labor and tools.  Get our discounts on paint.  Ask us how.

To keep our prices so low, we ask you to move your furniture to the center of the room to help us out.  We will fill nail hole up to 10 per room free.  Anything larger than a nail hole will not have enough time to dry during our project time, unless it is a whole house painting project. For us to be able to do this we have a 3 room minimum.  Thank you and God Bless you.

Would you like to save even more on the purchase of your paint?  We pass on our discount at most premium paint stores to you.

I know most people would rather save as much money they can, for the same or better work, so if you are looking at painting then give us a call today:
